Monday, May 12, 2008

Forum Week 7

i never knew how "close to the action" Adelaide is in Electronic Music. I knew nothing of Tristram before this class and now i can see how much of an integral roll he's played in Electronic Music. Being apart of designing the VCS3 just says it all. What i find particularly amazing is how dedicated he was, nobody (very few and very far) understanding what his work was about, and being criticized from every angle, yet still managed to make amazing discoveries. Not that he was the only case of this, especially in this field, but still something to mention. The fact that we can now tinker and explore the very instruments he was designing is a fantastic way to literally keep in touch of electronic past.

Its very interesting to hear some of his later works, composed for orchestras and acoustic instruments. Although these pieces do draw from his electronic past (lines and themes), it says a lot about his musical mind, education and passion.


"Songs from a Life." Tristrum Cary. 2000

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