Tuesday, June 26, 2007

AA Major Assignment 'Way to Fall' by Star Sailor

The whole recording and production process was very enjoyable. Luckily for me my song didn't require many effects and therefore many laborious hours weren't spent perfecting a delay for example. The one thing that i wish i had experienced was recording a whole band at the same time, rather than piece mealing each part when i could find the time. I'm still undecided which part of the whole process that i enjoyed the most. The recording process is definitely lots of fun, but can be very frustrating when something isn't right, for example the vocals have a natural compressed sound and the snare doesn't sound as good as it should. Although i had these problems, they didn't affect the final sound. I found it amazing that you don't need a perfect recording to get a perfect result. For example, when Amy was singing, she was very tired and there were a few timing and emphasis issues. To get over these i simply moved the word to get into time, and/or i replaced the word with the same one of another take or even from earlier on in the song.

I also found out about the regular occurrence of flukes while recording. When recording the Piano tracks there was a mistake, a very low cluster of notes was hit on accident. However when listening to it, it came at the perfect place and works great with the vocals. It also adds a personal touch to the song. Another fluke was with the overdrive guitar, it didnt require any additional production.

Overall lots of fun and have learnt many valuable lessons for when i do another recording of this sort.

Here is the Mixdown Mp3 http://www.mydatabus.com/public/loudman/WayToFallDougFinal.mp3

Here is the PreProduction Document

Here is the Recording Document

Here is the Production Document


Darren S said...

Where is audio, Doug? But you're right, the unplanned stuff are sometimes the gems amongst the coal so pays to keep your ears open. Usually you can pick up things that are going to be handy later for your own devious purposes, mix it in and the musos say 'Sounds great, what was that?'. They'd forgotten doing it or it wasn't during and 'official' take. Just a twang or bit of silliness.

Sanad said...

I really liked the amount of reverb you had on Amy's voice. not too much, not few at all.. great job.
What a fantastic drummer

Anonymous said...

Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.