Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Forum Week 8

What a crazy movie. At first i thought it was funny, but then it just became quite disturbing. And i was struggling to sit through it by the last half. Is there hidden messages in this movie, or should you take this at face value? Or should you just take it how ever you want to? So many unanswered questions. I can see the appeal of the film purely from the fact there is nothing like it out there, but its not my taste.

The premature baby(?) was the most odd thing Ive ever seen, it wasn't the lady in the radiator, or the pencil eraser, that baby was just disturbing. And when it turned into that huge monster, WTF is going on? Was that his guilt for killing it, or is that Wat happened? haha. I can see the appeal, but it just doesn't appeal to me.

CC2 Sem 2 Week 8 (9)

I'm really happy with this week's result, I've always wanted a quick way to use my midi controllers with my patches and my midilearn object is the answer to this. I'm sure its a little in efficient, but the main concept is there. The Midi learn function in Reason is so helpful so using it in MAX is going to save so much time.
Check it out in the Box Widget

Haines, Christian. Lecture. "MIDI and MSP." Adelaide University. 9/10/08
Cycling'74 2006, MSP Tutorials and Topics,<>.

AA2 Sem 2 Week 8

Ive chosen Open Arena as my AA assignment this semester. I decided on this game because there is lots of support for it, and i used to play Quake III Arena and Unreal Tournament lots when i was 13 and 14. So it was also a kind of nostalgic choice as well. Also i am quite familiar with FPSs. Although I'm familiar with the style of game, i am really uncertain about the process of this assignment and have many questions to ask. I am also very unsure of the preproduction form and i suspect that there may be several errors in the way Ive filled it out. But Ive given it my best shot and i hope its ok.

Check it out in the box widget.
Haines, Christian. Lecture. "Asset Integration." Adelaide University. 16/9/08

Anon 2007, List of Open Source Games, Wikipedia, viewed 7/9 2007,

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

CC2 Sem 2 Week 7

No problems this week, Fairly straight forward. The GUI version is different from the individual patches, however the concepts are the same. Ive built the individual patches as an easy and simple way to recording and playback to use in future patches. This is why they dont use computer keys to control it.

Control Keys are Shift + P = play, Shift + R = record, Shift + S = stop record

Note the image shown of week 7 GUI patch has been modified.


Haines, Christian. Lecture. 'Music and Signal Processing.' 11/9/08. Adelaide University.

Cycling'74 2006, MSP Tutorials and Topics,

Forum Week 7

Seeing everybodys projects being used by their creator was good to see. You get a sense of what they they actaully wanted to achieve and how to get the best out of their programs. Looking at SuperCollider didnt interest me to be honest, perhaps it wasnt the best demonstration of its ture power, but from what i saw, the outcome could be easily dupliacted with max and easier to manipulate.

Sanad's song was great, well mixed and had his own particular flavour. All of his songs have his own distinguishable sound, its hard to descibe, but its certainly there. His use of scale modes i believe contribute to his sound, that and his choice of instruments and effects add to the style aswell.

It was a shame we couldn't get to hear Ed's patch, but i could see where it was going. The images were pretty kewl, very trippy, i do like mathematical images, theres something about the symmetry thats appealing.

Monday, September 15, 2008

AA2 Sem 2 Week 7

My input for the group task was the music. When i play games the music is something that i always listen out for. Essentially games have interactive music and it amazes me how composers and music programmers make it as seemless as they do. This is my attempt at emulating what they do. I essentially brought two similar ideas together using a common harmonic theme and key, however changing the beat to suit the mood. The first half is a drum and bass like fast rhythm with a symphonic harmony backing, and the second half is a slow electronic hip hop style with a simmilar string backing. My main influence for game music is Harry-Gregson Williams, in particular his work on Metal Gear Solid 2, 3 and 4.

Check out the mp3 in the box widget


Haines, Christian. Lecture. 'Week 7 Game Audio Aesthetics.' Adelaide University. 9/9/08.

pp 245 - 247. "Chapter 10 - Excellence in Sound Tracks and Sound Effects". Irish, Dan.2005, The Game Producer's Handbook, Course Technology PTR.

pp 112 - 117, 196 - 201. Brandon, Alexander. 2005, Audio for games: planning, process,and production, New Riders Games, Berkeley, Calif.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Forum Week 6

The Indian rasa is something that i don't know much about at all, but from this brief introduction to them i believe that i can draw some inspiration from them. And i can see how so many musicians have been drawn into its philosophies. The relationship with music is strong and both feed off one another.

Music exists, or rather its popularity exists in the concept of emotion, yet when studying it in the classroom, theoretically, historically, the word rarely seems to come up. What emotion is the piece of music emulating, how does it make you feel. It sounds good, why? Because of the way it makes you feel, so not only should you understand theoretically how it made you feel that way, but how to recognise similar musical 'feelings' and how to string them together. We seem, i say we loosely but certainly i feel that i am trying to make things that sound clever, or cool, not really analysing what sort of feeling the music is emulating and what i want to do with this musical feeling. I need to develop a higher sense of muso-emotion creativity that goes beyond major = happy, minor = sad because this certainly isn't the case.

CC2 Sem 2 Week 6

Now we're getting into the good stuff. Spent many hours with my midi controller playing with the sampling techniques mentioned. Most of the patch was quite easy to do, however i couldn't get the poly~ object to work. I've included the patches with the poly in this weeks pack, perhaps somebody could tell me why it isn't working. When i run the patch inside an instance it works, but not as polyphony. Do you need multiple buffers, i cant think of a way of doing this using poly, can you assign an instance number as an argument to the buffer name, thus creating multiple buffers?
Check out the files in the box widget
Haines, Christian. Lecture. Music and Signal Processing. 4/9/08
Cycling'74 2006, MSP Tutorials and Topics,<>.

AA2 Sem 2 Week 6

This week Ive tried to recreate the audio for a computer boot up, and yes it was my idea that christian used in class. Ive used several sounds, initial boot up, start up sound, typing, denied and access sounds. I spend more time creating the operating system sounds than actually doing the task. It was an interesting experience trying to copy the aesthetics of the windows sounds. In the FMOD patch Ive included two sustain points for the typing, waiting for you to enter the data into the field. I had a look at the chapter on switching and it looked very visual, i was expecting to see lines and lines of code to do this, but no, it looks like a PowerPoint flow chart. But as the tutorials we did in class didn't cover this, i didn't look into it any further.

Check it out in the box widget. Ive included a 45 sec version and a full minute version.


Haines, Christian. Lecture. "Sound Asset Design." 2/9/08

"Chapter 8 - Ideal Technology". Brandon, Alexander. 2005, Audio for games: planning,
process, and production, New Riders Games, Berkeley, Calif.

pp 25 - 56. "Chapter 3 - Using FMOD Designer". Creative 2007, FMOD DESIGNER:
USER MANUAL, Creative Labs, 2007, .

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Forum Week 5

Some of the sounds Ive used are quite generic, but others, like some of the synth sounds i think really have the associated rasa's quality. In particular the fear and wonder files. For Peace I used the sound of a water stream, to me this is very peaceful and natural. I struggled to think of something for Courage, so i made a cheesy fanfare like recording. I'd like to hear what others have used to represent courage. Fire, especially a large fire, is a sound and image that i find very aggressive so this is what i used to represent anger. This next sound, disgust, is of somebody throwing up, this sound file is quite realistic and is the most disgusting sound Ive heard and only conjours feelings of disgust. Joy is represented by a laughing crowd, again, i was at a loss for ideas with this rasa and will be interested in what others have used. Love is one of my favourite samples, it is the corniest, cheesiest synth and chord progression that can only be associated with something lovely or happy. Sadness is another realistic sample of a woman crying, for me, this particular sample can only be associated with sadness.

Check out the files in the box widget


Whittington, Stephen. "Indian Classical Emotions." Lecture. 28/8/08. Adelaide University.

CC2 Sem 2 Week 5 Music and Signal Processing

Now we're getting into something sounding good. Playing with the additive synthesis was fun, but this is great, i can already hear the horror movie soundtrack. It was the perfect time to do this as i have been playing around with FM7 lately too. I didn't have too many issues making this patch, just a good look at the tutorial and patches. The waveshaping looks interesting, when i have some more time I'll have a look at that. Ive been wanting to play my guitar through max and this is a good excuse to do it.
Check out the patch in the box widget.
Haines, Christian. "Music and Signal Processing 2". Lecture. Adelaide University. 28/8/08

Cycling'74 2006, MSP Tutorials and Topics,