Monday, September 17, 2007

AA1 Week 8

Playing with the amplitude input of an oscillator was an interesting study of the physics of sound. Hearing the harmonic relationships between the fluctuating amplitude and the carrier frequency is an interesting exercise. After applying a filter it still didn't create much of a difference in timbre. I haven't been very successfull in creating many interesting sounds. However is has been an interesting exercise in the physics of sound.
The files for this exercise can be found in MyBox Widget at the top right of the page. Go to the respective Folder and Week number.

Here is the Mp3

Here is the bidule file


Haines, Christian. Lecture 11/9/07 "AM and RM Synthesis." Adelaide University.

"Chapter 3 - Loose Modeling Techniques". Miranda, Eduardo. 1998, Computer Sound
Synthesis for the Electronic Musician, Focal Press.

Reid, Gordon 2000, Synth Secrets - Part 11: Amplitude Modulation, Sound on Sound,
viewed 11/2 2006,

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