Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Week 3 Polyphony and Instancing

Poly~ is a great object, this is defiantly something I'm going to use extensively in my final project. I'm still unsure how the thispoly~ object operates, but I'm sure we'll go through some of its uses in class. Instead of using a thispoly~ object to turn the voices off, i created my own way using select and sends. It doesn't work perfectly, when playing chords it sometimes doesn't turn notes off, but with a lot of fiddling and playing with delays i could probably get this working. But with the thispoly~ object its not necessary.

Check it out in the MyBox wideget at the top.


Cycling'74 2006, MSP Tutorials and Topics,

Grosse, Darwin. 2006, The Poly Papers (part 1), 2007,

Haines, Christian. Lecture. "Polyphony and Instancing." 14/08/08. Adelaide University.

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