Monday, October 15, 2007

AA1 Week 10

I first made a bidule with 5 oscillators in it, and played around with harmonics and other related tones. I played around with the phase offest aswell to create different timbres. Setting up the parameters to play with took the longest. The best thing for this sort of task is to have a MIDI controler for the different parameters, this would be easier and you could explore much more timbres with a physical interface.

From these first 5 oscillators i copied this bidule twice and played with more frequencies and harmonics to create a final hard organ like timbre.

Here is the bidule file

Here is the mp3


Haines, Christian. Lecture 9/10/07 "Sound Design." Adelaide University.

p124 - 126. "Spectral Modeling Techniques". Miranda, Eduardo. 1998, Computer Sound
Synthesis for the Electronic Musician, Focal Press.

Reid, Gordon 2000, Synth Secrets - Part 14: An Introduction to Additive Synthesis,
Sound on Sound, viewed 11/2 2006,

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