Thursday, November 15, 2007

AA Week 12

Hey sorry about the late Submission of Week 12 AA. I was double checking my Blogs and i realized that i hadnt blog my results for this weeks task. So here it is in video format.

AA Week 12

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I simply set up 2 delay lines for each panned channel and played with them creating false stereo spacialisation. What i did like about the end result was the wide sound produced. Especially with reverb, it really does sound like you are playing the sound in a room, even with headphones on.

Then i changed the volume of panned channel so skew the perception of sound. I did this with both channels.

There is another Mp3 file of the second task i undertook in the Box widget.


Haines, Christian. Lecture "Spacialisation." 23/10/07. Adelaide University.

pp 159 - 164. Sonnenschein, David. 2001, Sound design : the expressive power of
music, voice, and sound effects in cinema, Michael Wiese Productions, Seattle, Wash.

White, Paul. 1994, 3D Mixing: Giving your mixes more space, SOS Publishing, 2004,

White, Paul . Robjohns, Hugh. Bell , Matt. 2002, You are Surrounded: Surround Sound
Explained - Part 7, SOS Publishing, 2006,

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