Sunday, May 25, 2008

AA2 Week 10 Mixing

This time i played around with reverb and delay and I'm fairly happy with the guitar solo sound i ended up with. I used a shortish delay so it wouldn't intrude on the rest of the solo as its quite quick. I've also put some reverb on the supporting guitar part and on the drums as a whole to give it some ambiance. Not too much tho as its a rock song, but it fills it out. It also covers up a bit of the Over Heads sound, there was a bit of room in those, but little in the rest and it sounded a bit odd, so the reverb covers this up a little. The last example is a mix of drums, bass and guitars.

Check out the files in the box widget:


Grice, David. "Mixing." Lecture 20/5/08. Adelaide University.

White, Paul. "Advanced Reverberation." Sound on Sound Magazine. October 2001.

White, Paul. "3D Mixing." Sound on Sound Magazine. November 1994.

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