Monday, May 12, 2008

Forum Week 8

Best Forum Ever!! It was all about the small things that you dont normally think off. How many chairs were available, only somebody who's been in the business for a while would have thought of something so simple yet important. The importance of preparedness, schedules and being prepared for everything was really driven home with the big band example. That many people and that many mics is just to big to not be prepared. I'm learning a lot of these ideas now with AA recording. I can see how small issues with a small band could be very large issues with large ensembles.

The way that the Pepsi ad has been constructed. The over compressed files without crossfading is a real eye opener into the way they now construct advertisements and pop songs. Made for radio and made for short attention spans, with little or no dynamic variation throughout the song. We really are an immediate society.

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