Tuesday, May 13, 2008

CC2 Week 8

In this patch i haven't used the midiparse or midiformat objects, i simply used the pitch and velocity values to control the filters in Reason's Analog Synth. One is oscillating and the other just ramping. I played around with adding the probability sequencer to the patch, but i just couldn't get it to work properly. A lot more playing around and many tedious hours may possibly solve this, but this is just something I'm not going to use, i understand the concept of mix matching MIDI input values, i.e substituting pitch for a filter value, and MIDI routing (Max to Reason).

I had a bit of a play with the seq object, lots of potential, but its the mtr object I'm more interested in. In the context of this patch i could record the control performance as well. How awesome is that!! I didn't get around to looking at how u can use this as an accompanist, but very impressed, even the ability to detect mistakes, Max you've outdone yourself.

Heres the video


Haines, Christian. "CC2 Week 8." Lecture. Adelaide University. 8/5/08

Cycling'74 2006, Max Tutorial, 11/1/2007,

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