Monday, May 21, 2007

AA1 Week 10

Drum Recording, both the best and most fun, and the most frustrating and time consuming.

We recorded about 4 samples, and choose the best 2.

We miced up the whole drum kit, We used the 421s on the floor tom and mid tom, the Shure Beta 52A on the kick, the 2 Rhode NT5s for the overheads, the 2 Neuman U87s for the room mics in the stereo configuration shown in class, the Shure SM 57 for the snare, the Neuman KM 84i for the hi-hat and the Shure 56A on the high tom.

The first of these recordings is of a full set up.

The second is of a minimal set up; kick, snare and 2 overheads.

Please Forgive my Horrible Drumming!!

Heres a photo of our setup


Freddie said...

How were the overheads positioned? Its mono. Were they spaced pair or XY?

Darren S said...

Doug, who is we?